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Article: The Key To Achieving Your Health And Fitness Goals: Consistency

The Key To Achieving Your Health And Fitness Goals: Consistency

The Key To Achieving Your Health And Fitness Goals: Consistency

The Key To Achieving Your Health And Fitness Goals: Consistency

Do you feel like you're not getting anywhere when it comes to your fitness goals? The fact is that many people feel that way.

You see, achieving your fitness goals requires more than just working out hard or long enough to make a difference.

You also need to be consistent in your exercise and training in order to see results. When you are consistent, your body has time to adapt to the new stresses you are putting on it, and you can gradually increase the intensity or duration of your workouts.

This allows you to make real progress towards your goals without overtraining or injuring yourself. In addition, being consistent with your workouts ensures that you maintain the progress you have already made instead of regressing back to your previous level of fitness. If you want to see real results from your exercise and training, then consistency is key.

And the best part? It doesn't have to take forever to build that habit of consistency. In fact, in as little as 4 weeks you can be on your way to your goals.

In this blog post, we dive into how you can succeed by working on the consistency factor.

Mistakes Will Happen

It's perfectly normal to miss a workout every now and again. Life happens, and sometimes we just can't make it to the gym. However, it's important to get back on track as soon as possible to maintain consistency.

When you miss a workout, you're more likely to lose some of the progress you've made. Your strength and endurance will start to decline, and you'll have to work harder to get back to where you were. In addition, missing workouts can lead to a loss of motivation. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you'll never be able to get back into shape, but that's simply not true.

The key is to get started again as soon as possible. Set a realistic goal for yourself, and then take small steps each day to reach that goal. Stick with it, even on the days when you don't feel like working out. Soon enough, you'll be back on track and seeing the results you want.

Don't Multitask

Hey, we get it- sometimes our fast-paced lifestyle doesn't allow us to really dial down and focus on just one thing, but that is inherently the problem.

don't multitask

As a result, we may end up spreading ourselves too thin. This is where having SMART goals come into play.

SMART goals are ones that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based. A great example of a SMART goal is, “I will walk for 30 minutes every day for the next month.” This goal is specific (walking), measurable (30 minutes), achievable (most people can find 30 minutes in their day), realistic (a 30-minute walk is doable for most people), and time-based (one month). Once you have achieved your goal, you can move on to another small fitness goal.

Some other examples of small fitness goals include:

• A 20-minute workout 3 times per week.

• Consuming 2 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.

• Drinking 8 glasses of water per day.

These are all great examples of small fitness goals that can lead to big results over time. When you focus on one small goal at a time, you are more likely to stick with it and see lasting results.

Build Discipline

Do you depend on feeling motivated to get that workout done? That could be problematic. Fitness is not a one-time event. It's a lifelong journey that requires discipline.

Motivation is great, but it's often fleeting. It may get you to the gym a few times, but it won't keep you there. The key to fitness is building discipline.

Once you develop the discipline to stick with your workout routine, even when you don't feel like it, you're more likely to achieve your fitness goals. And, as you start to see results, your motivation will increase, making it easier to stick with your routine. So, if you want to improve your fitness level, don't rely on motivation - focus on building discipline instead.

Make A Plan And Stick To It

When it comes to fitness, a plan is essential. Without a plan, it's easy to get off track and give up on your goals. But with a plan, you have a roadmap to follow that will help you stay on track and achieve success.

workout plan

There are many different ways to create a fitness plan. You can hire a personal trainer, or even create your own workout routine at home. Whichever route you choose, be sure to make a plan that is realistic and achievable. And most importantly, stick to it! The only way to see results is to stay consistent with your workout routine.

There's nothing worse than aimlessly pondering which exercise you should be doing, how long you should be doing it, or when you should be doing it. This is why having a set plan is so important.

Set a schedule for yourself and make sure to stick to it. Write down what days and times you will workout, and then put it in a place where you will see it every day. This will help to keep you accountable and on track.

Find a Workout Partner

Working out can be hard enough on your own, but it's even harder to find the motivation to keep going when you don't have a partner to help you stay on track.

A workout partner can provide support and encouragement, help you stay focused, and hold you accountable for your fitness goals. Studies have shown that people who work out with a partner are more likely to stick with their exercise routine and see results than those who go it alone. So if you're looking to build consistency and make exercise a regular habit, finding a workout partner is a great place to start.

Wake Up Earlier

It's a proven fact that people who wake up earlier get more accomplished. Not just because you give yourself more hours to get stuff done, but it also frees you up from excessive time pressure and reduces stress in the process.

5am time

This is also why many people prefer to work out in the morning. By getting your workout done first thing, you're more likely to stick with it and make it a regular habit. And as an added bonus, you'll start your day feeling energized and accomplished.

So if you're having trouble finding time to exercise, try setting your alarm clock a little earlier and see how it handsomely affects your consistency.

Use Technology To Help

Did you know that there are a number of ways that technology can help you to build consistency in your exercise routine? One way is to use a fitness tracker. Fitness trackers are wearable devices that track your activity level throughout the day. They can also be used to set goals and receive notifications when you reach them. Another way to use technology to stay active is to participate in online fitness challenges.

activity tracker

These challenges typically involve completing a certain number of steps or kilometers within a certain time frame. By involving friends and family in the challenge, you can create a sense of competition and camaraderie that will help to keep you motivated.

There are even a number of apps that can be used to schedule and track your workouts. These apps can provide reminders, tips, and motivation to help you stick to your routine. Ultimately, by harnessing the power of technology, you can easily create an effective exercise routine that fits consistently into your busy lifestyle.

Add Some Enjoyment To Exercise

This is so true when it comes to cardio. How many of you absolutely dread the prospect of running on a treadmill for 30 minutes? If this is you, then it's no wonder you're having trouble being consistent with your cardio workout.

The key here is to find an activity that you actually enjoy. And there are tons of options to choose from. You can go for a swim, ride a bike, take a dance class, or even go for a walk in the park.

As long as you find an activity that gets your heart rate up and doesn't feel like a chore, you're more likely to stick with it and make it part of your regular routine.

Or, if you prefer to use an exercise machine like a treadmill, watching TV or listening to music can help to make the time go by faster. And before you know it, your workout will be done.

You Don't Have To Start From Scratch

Sometimes, you might not be completely new to working out. Maybe you do workout once or twice a week and have developed decent strength with Foundation, but you are looking to increase your consistency and make it a more regular habit.

In this case, you don't have to start from scratch. Just gradually increase the frequency of your workouts until you reach your desired goal. For example, if you currently work out twice a week, try adding an additional day or two until you're working out four to five times per week.

How can you do this? A great way is to tie one habit to another habit, sometimes referred to as habit stacking.

A great example of this in action is to put your workout clothes on after having your morning coffee. By doing this, you're more likely to actually follow through with your workout because you've already taken the first step.

You can also try working out at the same time every day. This will help to make it a regular habit and ensure that you don't skip a workout because you can't find the time.

Track Your Progress

How frustrating would it be to not know if you're making any progress? This is one of the main reasons people give up on their fitness goals.

But by tracking your progress, you can see exactly how far you've come and what still needs to be done. This will help to build the motivation many so desperately seek and will help keep you inspired to continue working towards your goal.

There are a number of ways to track your progress. You can use the visual method AKA the mirror test.

You can also use fitness apps or a simple notebook to track your progress. The most important thing is that you find a method that works for you and helps to keep you motivated.

Skin calipers are another great way to track your progress, especially if you're trying to improve your body composition.

How Long Will This Take?

Well, the goal is ultimately lifelong consistency, one that you can maintain for the long haul.

But in terms of really seeing that change in consistency, that really depends on you.

It can happen in as little as 8 days for some high achievers, but around the 21-day mark seems to be the average. If you find it taking longer than that for you, don't despair- you're already on your way.

Don't beat yourself up if you make mistakes along the way- just get back on that horse and you'll achieve the consistency to make fitness second nature.

Great bodies are built One Brick at A Time!







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