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BHN Mixer

BHN Mixer

Whip up a storm in the kitchen without breaking a sweat with the BHN Electric Hand Mixer, the ultimate kitchen sidekick.

Are you tired of mixing your ingredients with the enthusiasm of a sloth on a lazy Sunday? Fear not! Our electric hand mixer is here to inject some thrill into your prep, with a motor so powerful, it could be mistaken for a mini tornado.

Our ergonomic design ensures that even if you're mixing for what seems like an eternity, your hands won't crumble like a cookie in milk. The BHN Mixer is so comfortable you might just forget you're holding it. 

So, if you're ready to take your mixing game to levels so high they could give a skyscraper a complex, add the BHN Electric Hand Mixer to your arsenal. It's not just an appliance; it's a kitchen revolution in the palm of your hand!


1. Add your favorite BrickHouse product to your liquid

2. Place the mixer halfway into container, and press and hold the button firmly to begin mixing

3. Raise mixer up and down to mic in powder completly

4. Hold in liquid for 30-60 seconds for a smooth drink


1. Hold mixer tip under hot water

2. Remove from water and spin to dry mixer

3. Not dishwasher safe. Do not submerge the plastic housing containing the batteries


1. Remove the cover from the handle

2. Place 2x AA batteries (not inlcluded)