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Article: In A Slump? Try These Productivity Boosters!

In A Slump? Try These Productivity Boosters!

In A Slump? Try These Productivity Boosters!

It’s no surprise that getting more done on a daily basis, and in less time is the gold standard that everyone strives for.

And frankly, it’s essential. It's virtually the key to being successful and achieving your goals, whether you're looking to increase your productivity at work, in school, or in your personal life.

Stuck in a rut but know something needs to be done? You’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we'll be outlining some simple productivity tips that will help you reach your goals faster and with less hassle. From new ways to work smarter, to better time-management techniques, to tips to increase focus and productivity, we've got you covered. So why wait? Start working smarter today!

What Really Is Productivity?

Apart from the obvious definition, you can say that productivity is the key to getting more done in less time. It's the amount of output produced in a given period of time. And to be more productive, it's important to identify your strengths and find strategies that work best for you.

By working smarter not harder, you'll be able to get more done in less time. To get started, make a list of the tasks that are important to you. Once you have that list, you’ve already done more than what 50% of people usually accomplish.

Keep Things Simple

As a species, humans love to overcomplicate things. By keeping things simple, you will be able to laser focus on what you need to do, and not chase your tail for days on end trying to accomplish some completely mundane, and unnecessary side quest.

Set Reminders

It is important to stay on track and productive throughout the day. With effective tools like planners, timers, and lists at your disposal, it becomes much easier to stay on task. However, there are many different types of reminders available which can be confusing to choose the right one for you.

phone reminders

Make sure you find a reminder that works well for your lifestyle and schedule- email notifications work best most of the time- but sometimes SMS or calendar alerts can also be helpful. Use them regularly so that you achieve optimal productivity!

Review Goals Daily (Or At Least Regularly)

Setting deadlines and working towards them ruthlessly is one of the best ways to ensure you finish tasks on time.

By doing so, you will avoid procrastination and needless stress. Furthermore, setting realistic goals and monitoring your progress helps keep you motivated. It is also important to review your goals daily or at least regularly in order to stay on track. This way, you can identify any areas that need improvement and work towards resolving them as quickly as possible in an effort to still achieve your desired quota.

Minimize Time-Wasting Activities

Did someone say Television? Developing a disciplined work-life balance can be challenging, but it is important to minimize time-wasting activities.

By tracking your time using time-tracking software, you can identify which beneficial tasks take the most amount of time and allocate more resources to them. Productivity is all about finding efficient ways to do the things that are important and eliminating waste from your process.

There are many common distractions that sap away precious hours – such as watching TV shows or browsing the internet just for entertainment purposes. It's essential to set boundaries on how much screen time you give yourself each day in order to ensure that you have enough energy left for productive tasks at work or home (because yes, those trivial tasks do still suck your energy up).

Use Productivity Apps

Productivity apps can be a great way to increase your work efficiency and achieve more goals. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so it's important to experiment and find the app that best suits your needs.

Different types of productivity apps include to-do list management tools, note-taking applications, and time trackers. Use them all together or separately as you see fit - the most important thing is to stay on track and get things done.

Avoid Multitasking

If working on one task is good, surely doing many is better, right? Not so fast. In truth, multitasking is the enemy of productivity. It's better to focus on one task at a time and get it done quickly, rather than trying to juggle several tasks simultaneously.

multitasking fail

This way you can maximize your efficiency and achieve the desired results much faster. In fact, studies have shown that people who multitask tend to produce lower-quality work overall due to distraction and lack of concentration.

If you are struggling to complete any given task efficiently, try breaking it down into its component parts first before jumping into more complex tasks. Once you know what needs to be done and how best to do it, then go ahead and tackle other parts confidently.

Set Boundaries

There is no doubt that a large part of productivity is about setting boundaries. Can you imagine getting anything done if you never stop yourself from going off-track?

By setting boundaries, you can ensure that every ounce of your energy goes into the work you are doing and not wasted on needless distractions. Noise-canceling headphones or bright lights might seem like strange things to help with productivity, but they actually have a lot of benefits in terms of zoning out and helping you focus better on tasks at hand.

Do The Hardest Thing First

There's a saying that goes something like "do the hardest thing first, and then progressively work your way to the easier tasks." While this might not be always feasible or sensible, it does have some merit. By tackling the harder task first, you'll increase your overall productivity- which will in turn help you complete other tasks with ease. As a result of working smarter instead of harder (or vice versa), you'll achieve better results much faster than if you try to do things in the opposite order.

Limit Distractions

Distraction can easily pull us away from the tasks at hand, especially in today's fast-paced world. However, by following a few simple tips we can limit distractions and better focus on the task at hand.

no distractions

For starters, it is important to set boundaries for ourselves and stick to them no matter what – no social media browsing, email reading, or phone checking allowed! This way of living will help reduce the amount of time spent on distractions and increase productivity.

Remember- distractions don’t just come in the form of digital annoyances either; heavily trafficked areas are also notorious.


Delegating tasks is an important way to manage your time and energy better. It allows you to focus on the things that are most important to you while freeing up resources for other tasks.

There are many different ways to delegate tasks- from emailing them to delegating work among team members. The key is finding the method or approach that works best for you and your company's culture/work style.

Once you've found a good way of delegating, it's crucial to make sure everyone understands and follows the delegated task(s).

Delegating will not only lead to improved time management but also achieve smoother working relationships with co-workers and members of the team.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is the practice of creating specific blocks of time to work on a project. Once you get used to it, time blocking will become easier and more productive - perfect for tasks that need focus but aren’t very time intensive.

For example, if you're a busy mom who wants to spend some quality time with your kids each day, this technique can come in handy! You can use it for work-related tasks as well – by setting aside designated hours each day to complete them. It's best to start small and gradually increase the block size until the task feels manageable and comfortable. Once you get used to it, life will be easier as everything falls into place without hassle!

In addition to setting strict limits, it is also helpful to use tools like the Pomodoro Technique to help manage our time more effectively.

By breaking down long-term projects into short intervals (25 minutes), we are less likely to be pulled away by other thoughts during those times when work should take precedence over everything else.

The Five-Minute Rule

The five-minute rule is a great way to kick-start your day. By following it, you'll be able to achieve more in less time, which means increased productivity and efficiency. This simple strategy can help break the morning inertia and give you the momentum you need to start your day on the right foot.

Wondering what it involves? It's easy! All you have to do is set aside five minutes every morning, just before your daily activity starts. During this time, you can plan out your day and easily identify the tasks that need to be done. This will help save valuable time in the long run- not to mention give you a clearer view of what needs to be accomplished!

It's just the thing to start your day on the right foot.

Take a Break

Taking a break is essential to stay mindful and productive. It's important to set boundaries for work hours so that you can recharge your batteries and come back with fresh ideas. Break time should also be scheduled into your day in a way that doesn't clash with other activities - this way, you'll get the most out of it and not feel a sense of dread from chronic overwork.

Set Small Goals

It is tough to stick to a strict daily routine and achieve goals when it comes to productivity. However, by breaking down your larger goal into smaller tasks, you will be more likely to complete them successfully.

Plus, as long as you're providing yourself with regular rewards for completing these small tasks - whether that's time off or new gadgets - the motivation will stay strong. So break the bigger goal into manageable chunks and give yourself some breathing room (perhaps a week rather than one day!) before starting on the next task. And most importantly of all, maybe don't think of it too much as work!

Take Control of Your Inbox

It can be really frustrating to have a lot of email in your inbox that you don't have time to answer. However, it's important to remember that you don't need to reply to every email as soon as it hits your inbox. Instead, find the time each day and steady-state a certain amount of emails so that you can easily respond when the time comes. This way, less stress will be associated with receiving and dealing with email!

Put Your Phone on Silent

Productivity is key to success, no matter the task. But with the constant barrage of notifications and social media posts, it can be hard to stay on task. To make things a little easier, try putting your phone on silent and disabling notifications for certain apps.

turn phone off

This way, you can focus on the task at hand without being distracted. If you need to take a phone call, put it on speaker mode so that you can better focus on the conversation. And last but not least, set up automatic text responses to save time.

Take a Nap

A break from the grind every now and then is important - it will help you conserve mental energy and stay focused. With so many demands on our time, how can we manage to get enough rest? Studies have shown that taking a short nap can help improve mental focus and overall concentration levels.

Moreover, napping has been found to be good for mood as well - making people less anxious and more contented. Make sure to go to bed at a reasonable time each night, allowing yourself enough time for peaceful sleep! And of course, don't forget your phone during nap time – put it on silent or turn off notifications to escape distractions!

Taking an all-natural sleep aid such as DREAMZZZ can help you get enough shut eye so that you can support your goals during your awake hours.

Move More

There is no doubt that moving more can have a positive impact on your productivity. In fact, research shows that it can increase your output by up to 50%. Moving even just 10-15 minutes each day has benefits that extend way beyond the office! Some of the most common ways to move more include going for a walk or running in the morning.

However, there are also plenty of less-conventional methods you can explore if walking and running aren't your thing.

Even better yet, make time to really exercise several days per week. Your productivity will thank you if you work out in the morning.

De-clutter And Organize Your Workspace

When it comes to productivity, having an organized work environment is key. By clearing out any unnecessary junk and organizing your files, you'll be able to focus better and get more done in less time.

In addition to this, it's also important to place non-essential items away from the desk to reduce distractions. This includes phones and other technology, as well as any items that can be seen from your workspace.

Finally, it's important to take the time to clean your workspace regularly to ensure it is free of dust and dirt - this will help reduce mental clutter and resentment.

Wake Up Early

The early bird catches the worm, right? Waking up early can help you get more done, so set your alarm for a time that allows you to fit in the extra hours.

Use this extra time to plan out and prioritize your day, or use it to meditate, read or get some exercise. You'll feel refreshed and energized after making the most of these productive moments.

It's not easy to get out of bed early on a daily basis, but the benefits of doing so are immense. Early risers are less likely to be interrupted by emails and phone calls and are able to focus better because of the natural adrenalin rush they experience upon waking up.

As a result, they're able to accomplish more in less time. But it's not just about productivity - early birds also tend to have more energy and are less prone to stress. So if you're looking to increase your productivity levels, start waking up early every day for at least two weeks and see the difference for yourself! Be sure to stick to a schedule so you don't feel overwhelmed, and have the morning meal of champions - breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Stand More

Standing up helps to increase blood circulation and get the brain working better. It also helps to reduce chair fatigue and improve focus. If you're not a fan of the standing desk, there are other ways to achieve the same results. Just get up every 30-60 minutes and stretch your legs, or take a short walk around the office.

By doing this, you'll give your brain and body some time to reinvigorate and refresh so that you can tackle tasks with renewed vigor.

Replicate The Body’s Natural Cycles

To be truly productive, you need to do more than just work hard - you need to work smart too. One of the best ways to increase productivity is by replicating the body's natural cycle. This includes getting enough sleep in line with your circadian rhythm and working more in daylight hours with the natural peaks and valleys of your adrenal gland secretions.

Positive Self-Talk Works

There's no doubt that talking to yourself positively has a measurable impact on your mental and emotional state. But the best way to reap the benefits of speaking positively to yourself is by setting up a regular habit. Make it part of your routine, and don't break it for any reason.

positive self talk

Similarly, using affirmations can be an effective tool to increase self-confidence and achieve goals faster. A good affirmation should reflect what you want in life - something that inspires you while also motivating you to take action toward achieving it.

Switch Locations

Do you ever want a change of scenery? We know that this works. By switching locations, you can break through a productivity slump and ignite a productive streak. If your current location is inhibiting your creativity or productivity, it's time to switch things up.

You can also try working in different environments – like in a shared office space, or outdoors in nature. Even just moving your desk to a new room can sometimes feel like a new country, and enough to spark new zest.

Eat Healthily

Eating healthily is one of the best ways to increase productivity. Not only will it help you feel better overall, but it will also help you stay focused and alert during the day.

Make sure to start your day with a good breakfast and include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. You'll also be less likely to indulge in unhealthy foods and beverages, which will lead to less mental cloudiness, fatigue, and better productivity.

We strongly recommend Fortify to ensure all your micronutrient requirements are being met to keep energy production optimized.

Plan Meals in Advance

Meal prepping in advance can save you time, energy, and even a lot of money. Not only will you avoid the hassle of going out to eat, but you'll also have food waiting for when you get home from work or school. This way, there's no need to rush and waste time cooking or suffer from energy crashes when you would like to keep working.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for your hard work is a great way to stay on track and motivated. By setting small rewards for yourself, you'll be more likely to stick to your goals. It can be anything from taking a short break to getting the day off work, or a small trinket you've been wanting. Be consistent with your rewards so that they always hold excitement and meaning for you!

reward success

Make Good Use of Commute Time

Commute time can be used to get some important work done or to relax and de-stress. Here are a few ideas on how you can make the most of your time:

1. Get creative and come up with new ways to use your commute time. Maybe you could start a new project, work on an old one in more depth, or brainstorm ideas for a new task that's been nagging at you.

2. Take advantage of the quiet environment to focus better on tasks by practicing meditation or listening to calming music.

3. Capture some of the beauty around you while riding in traffic - it's definitely worth spending some moments taking it all in!

Don’t Be a Perfectionist

The perfect time scarcely comes. There's no need to be a perfectionist when it comes to your work. In fact, productivity hacks don't have to be hard - they can be as simple as getting started! If you're constantly trying to do too much in one go, or waiting for it to be just perfect, then you'll likely end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. Instead, just make a move and do something- you'll be happy you did.

Take Up A Hobby

A hobby can be a great way to relax and get your creative juices flowing. It's also a good way to spend time with friends and make new ones. Find something that interests you, whether it's painting, sculpting, cooking, or anything else! If you enjoy doing it, you'll be more likely to persist with it- even when the going gets tough, and feel rejuvenated to get productive work done.

Try Supplements

Sometimes, even with the best of intentions, you might still feel unable to fix your productivity woes. In times like these, trying a sustained-release energy-boosting supplement, such as Dawn to Dusk might help do the job.

Don't rely on them every day, but there are honestly times that you need a little extra push, and well-timed supplementation can help.

Final Words

These are just a few productivity hacks that you can use to make your daily life more efficient and enjoyable.

The ultimate goal of becoming more productive is to free up time for other passions that you enjoy, such as spending time with family, learning something new, or simply relaxing with a good book.

Making the most of your time can be tricky, but there are plenty of strategies you can use to maximize your productivity and make sure that every minute is used wisely.


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