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Article: Die Hard Nutrition Myths That Just Won't Go Away

Die Hard Nutrition Myths That Just Won't Go Away

Die Hard Nutrition Myths That Just Won't Go Away

In the quest for better health, more muscle, or whatever you desire, a solid nutritional strategy is very important to getting there.

However, there is so much contradictory information out there, that it can be difficult to know what is true and what isn't.

But don't fret; that's where we come in. To help you get started on the right foot, we have compiled a list of some of the most common nutrition myths that just seemingly won't die– so that you don't fall for them and sabotage your progress!

All Fats Are Bad

This is probably the most enduring nutrition myth of them all. The myth that "all fats are bad" is simply not true. While saturated and trans fats should be limited for overall health, unsaturated fats are actually beneficial for your body and provide many health benefits.

no fat

They can help with heart health, cholesterol levels, hormone balance, skin health, joint mobility, and even weight management. Unsaturated fats found in natural sources such as olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds help reduce inflammation and protect against chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Eating a balanced diet that includes good fat sources is essential for long-term health.

Saturated fats do also have their place- especially with regard to hormone production and regulation.

Organic Food Is Superior To Conventional Food

While organic food is often perceived and heavily marketed as being more nutritious and healthier than conventional foods, studies have shown that there is no significant difference between the two.

Organic food may contain fewer pesticides and other chemicals, but this does not necessarily mean it is a better option nutritionally speaking. In terms of nutrition, both organic and conventional foods are comparable in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein content.

man reading expensive organic grocery bill

Furthermore, organic produce can be more costly than traditional foods due to the added cost of production and certification processes. Therefore, it's also important to consider cost before deciding which type of food to buy.

Skipping Meals Helps with Weight Loss

All the fancy technicalities aside, the one thing that weight loss comes down to is calories in vs calories out. Thus, it might make sense to you to cut out meals completely in order to reduce overall calorie consumption and result in weight loss.

However, this strategy is counterproductive and can actually lead to further weight gain, or stalling weight loss. By skipping meals or restricting your caloric intake too much, you will likely end up feeling hungry and end up overeating later on. This is because when you deprive yourself of food for too long your body starts to produce hunger hormones which will make you crave food more.

But that's not even the worst thing that happens. Following intense caloric restriction, your body enters a sort of survival, or starvation mode, reducing metabolic rate and preserving calories in the anticipation of a calorie consumption shortfall.

Therefore, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and make sure that you are eating enough nutritious foods throughout the day in order to keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent overeating. Eating small meals throughout the day can actually help with weight loss as it keeps energy levels consistent, reduces hunger, and helps maintain metabolic rate.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that there are no quick fixes when it comes to weight loss and health. Fad diets and extreme calorie restriction may lead to short-term gains but in the long run, they can be damaging if done incorrectly or without proper guidance.

Whole Eggs Are Bad For You

Eating whole eggs in moderation is not bad for you. In fact, despite the long-held belief that eating too many eggs can raise your cholesterol levels, studies have found that moderate egg consumption does not increase the risk of heart disease.

whole egg

Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin D, selenium, zinc, and choline which are important for overall health. They can also be a great way to get healthy fats into your diet. Therefore, as part of a balanced diet, consuming eggs in moderation can help provide essential nutrients and protein without raising cholesterol levels excessively.

You Should Avoid Full-Fat Milk

Low-fat milk may be a popular dietary choice, but full-fat milk is the superior option when it comes to nutritional density. Drinking full-fat milk can help to provide essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and K which are not present in low-fat versions.

Furthermore, research suggests that replacing processed carbohydrates with sources of natural fats such as full-fat dairy can lead to improved weight control and other health benefits. Additionally, recent findings have indicated that drinking full-fat milk does not raise cholesterol levels or increase the risk for cardiovascular disease.

There is a belief that the presence of growth hormones in milk can cause untoward effects, but the presence of this hormone is likely in both types equally, although most reputable brands remove it entirely.

For these reasons, it is clear that when it comes to choosing between low-fat and full-fat dairy products, full-fat is the healthier option.

You Shouldn't Consume More Than 30g of Protein At One Sitting

It is often claimed that consuming more than 30g of protein in one sitting is not beneficial and should be avoided. However, this is simply a myth.

Why did this belief come into being? It has a lot to do with purported absorption limitations on protein. But the proof is not in the pudding.

However, consuming in excess of 40g of protein at once can be beneficial for muscle growth and strength gains compared to lower doses, and is in fact, the norm.

In addition, higher amounts of protein (over 40g) have been linked with improved satiety and weight management. Therefore, it is clear that consuming more than 30g of protein at one time can be beneficial for many people and should not be actively discouraged unless a medical reason for doing so exists.

To help meet your protein needs, we recommend Radiance collagen protein. This source will help build muscle and keep your skin, hair, and joints healthy too.

You Don't Need To Take Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are essential for many bodily functions, including growth and development. Although a balanced diet should provide most of the nutrients we need, supplementation is often necessary.

For example, those who live in areas with limited access to fresh produce or foods that are nutrient-rich may benefit from taking vitamins as part of their diet.

Certain health conditions can also require an increased intake of vitamins and minerals, such as pregnant women who need to take additional vitamins for their baby’s development. Plus, those on restrictive diets due to medical reasons may also benefit from taking a multivitamin or other supplements.

Then there's the fact that poor nutrition is such a frequent occurrence these days that it makes sense to take a good quality multivitamin, such as Fortify, a whole-food-based supplement that delivers condensed nutritional fortification for your body.

Juicing Is A Good Way To Lose Weight

Juicing, in itself isn't a bad thing. It can be a great way to get plenty of nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins in your diet. However, it is not an effective weight loss tool.

One of the problems with juicing lies in the fact that you are removing the fiber from your fruits and vegetables which helps you to feel full and satisfied after eating. This means that drinking juice will not keep you full for very long and can lead to overconsumption of calories.

woman juicing vegetables

In addition, the juice is often high in sugar which can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then crash quickly. This type of eating pattern will leave you feeling deprived and can end up sabotaging your health goals.

Then, there exists the crowd that only juices veggies. This might seem to address the problem of extra calories but leads to another problem- one of starvation.

Veggies are very low-carb to start with, and initially, after juicing you might see phenomenal results. But this is short-lived, unsustainable, and very unhealthy.

For these reasons, it is clear that juicing should not be considered a weight loss technique and should only be used in conjunction with an overall healthy eating plan.

You Shouldn't Eat At Night

Many people believe that eating food at night will make them gain weight, but this is another big misunderstanding. Eating late at night does not necessarily mean you will gain weight. It all depends on the type of food and portion size consumed.

Of course, eating unhealthy snacks late at night can increase calories and ultimately lead to weight gain, but having a balanced dinner that is nutrient-dense can help promote satiety and even aid in weight loss.

Additionally, your body needs fuel throughout sleep as well, since you can expend in the ballpark of 500 calories while you sleep. So it makes sense to eat a decent but balanced and healthy dinner before bed, inclusive of protein to stave off muscle breakdown.

Salt Is Bad And You Can Do Without It

If fat is public enemy number one, then salt is number two. Despite the common belief that salt is bad and should be avoided, the sodium found in salt is actually an essential mineral needed for the proper functioning of the body.

Although consuming too much salt can lead to high blood pressure, getting the right amount of sodium in your diet can help with fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction.

Furthermore, many foods naturally contain small amounts of sodium which helps bring out the natural flavor in meals. Salt also does not necessarily make food unhealthy if consumed in moderation. In other words, overall dietary balance and quality are more important than avoiding or limiting a single nutrient like sodium.

You Need To Detox At Least Once A Year

The detox trend really exploded in the past 2-3 decades, with many people believing that they need to take part in a juice cleanse or other types of detox in order to reset their bodies.

However, this is not true. The body already has its own built-in detox system- the liver and kidneys- which filter out toxins from the body on a regular basis and are extremely efficient in doing so.

There is no evidence that any sort of external detox process is needed or can improve a person's health, and in some cases, these processes can be dangerous.

The best way to detox? Enough water and real fruit and veggies. A daily serving of Field of Greens is an excellent way to naturally support your body's built-in detox process!

Carbs Make You Fat

This is another myth that has been perpetuated for years. In fact, the type of carbs you eat is much more important than how many carbs you consume.

Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, quinoa, and oats are packed with nutrients and can help provide a steady source of energy throughout the day. On the flip side, processed foods like white bread and candy are considered "empty carbs," meaning they provide very little nutritional value.

It is important to focus on eating nutritious forms of carbohydrates, as these can help you maintain a healthy weight and energy levels.

Plus, carbs are the preferred energy source by the body for producing ATP, which explains the lethargy that occurs when adapting to a lower-carb diet.

If you are following a low-carb diet, supplementing with exogenous creatine and ATP can do wonders for keeping up your energy levels and performance.

Final Words

Nutrition myths are just that- myths. By doing your own research and relying on facts, you can make informed choices about your diet that can help optimize your health and performance.

The fact is that most of the falsehoods that have been spread over the years are only half-truths, as most healthy foods have a place and specialized use in your diet.

So, don't go believing everything you hear, form your own opinions from research and experience.







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