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Key Findings

Participants taking PEAK ATP® experienced incredible benefits including:

Increased strength (147% increase over placebo)
• PEAK ATP®: 55.3 kg versus placebo: 22.4 kg
Increased power (30% increase over placebo)
• PEAK ATP®: 796 watts versus placebo: 614 watts
Increased lean body mass (100% increase over placebo)
• PEAK ATP®: 4.0 kg versus placebo: 2.1 kg
Increased muscle thickness (96% increase over placebo)
• PEAK ATP®: 4.9 mm versus placebo: 2.5 mm
Reduced protein breakdown

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigated the effect of PEAK ATP® on strength, power, lean body mass and marker of muscular damage. Twenty-one resistance-trained males took either 400 mg of PEAK ATP® per day or placebo for 12 weeks. The first phase of the study (8 weeks) consisted of a resistance-training program. In the second phase (2 weeks), training volume and frequency were increased to the point of over-reaching. For the final phase (2 weeks), training volume and frequency were decreased. Muscle mass, strength and power were measured at baseline and at weeks 4, 8, and 12.