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Article: Field of Greens Science

Field of Greens Science

Field of Greens Science

A Good Greens Powder Should Have Fruits AND Veggies

Many other "green drinks" out there may only focus on the green fruits and veggies, but our Field of Greens superfood incorporates both major groups: green and red.

What Are The Healthiest Greens?

Organic Greens Blend: Spinach, Parsley, Kale, Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Green Pepper, Green Apple, Green Banana, Sweet Potato, Broccoli

Why are Green Foods Good for You?

Green foods contain: Folate, Potassium, Iron and Phytochemicals: Carotenoids (beta-carotene and lutein), Isothiocyanates, and Fructans


Can support:

    • Immune system function
    • Normal vision
    • Healthy skin
    • Healthy growth and development in children
    • Iron metabolism


Can support:

    • Healthy growth and development in children
    • Healthy growth during pregnancy
    • Normal blood formation
    • Immune system function
    • Healthy psychological function
    • Reduction in tiredness and fatigue


Can support:

  • Normal water and electrolyte balance
  • Healthy growth and devleopment in children
  • Nervous system function
  • Muscle function


May help to prevent age-related eye disease, like macular degeneration and cataracts.


May stimulate the body’s detoxification processes.


Is a soluble dietary fiber and may be beneficial for the digestive system.

What Are The Healthiest Reds?

Organic Antioxidant Reds Blend: Strawberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Tart Cherry, Pomegranate, Cranberry, Beet

Why are Red Foods Good for You?

Red Foods contain Phytochemicals: Lycopene, Anthocyanins


Is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer.


May protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, some cancers, neurological diseases and vision problems.

What Antioxidants Should Be In Your Greens Powder?

Antioxidants are molecules that can be found in food and help stop oxidation in our bodies. Oxidation is a chemical process that can produce molecules called “free radicals.” Free radicals form as result of normal body processes or through harmful environmental exposures such as cigarette smoke or radiation. These unstable molecules can damage our body’s cells and DNA, and may play a role in the development of cancer, heart disease and other chronic conditions. Our bodies may use antioxidants to neutralize these reactive free radicals before they can cause damage to our cells.

Research shows that fruit and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants, reduce the risk of several chronic diseases [USDA, 2010] and prevent approximately 30% of cancer deaths [Hiatt RA et al].

Benefits of A Greens And Reds Powder

Can contain Vitamin C, Flavonoids, and Saponins

Vitamin C

Can support:

    • Absorption of iron from food
    • Healthy blood vessels
    • Cell protection from free radical damage
    • Healthy neurological and psychological function
    • Healthy growth and development in children
    • Healthy bones and joints
    • Healthy teeth and gums
    • Healthy skin
    • Normal energy metabolism
    • Immune system function
    • Reduction in tiredness and fatigue


Have anti-inflammatory properties that are thought to be important in reducing risk of cancer.


May help to reduce the risk of some cancers, lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.


Ginger, Licorice, Turmeric, Green Tea


    • Ease Stomachaches and Nausea
    • Natural Anti-Inflammatory, helping to improve circulation and relieve pain caused by arthritis, tendinitis, and more.
    • Prevent cold and flu and relieve its symptoms.
    • Studies have shown that ginger can even combat cancer cells, including ovarian cancer and colon cancer.
    • Relieve Heartburn without using expensive chemicals or drugs.
    • Migraine Relief
    • Menstrual Cramp Relief


    • Soothe stomach problems
    • Cleanse respiratory system
    • Stimulate the adrenal gland, which promotes a healthy level of cortisol in the body and reduces stress


    • Contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds
    • Aid weight loss
    • Improve skin
    • Ease joint pain and soreness

Green Tea

  • Contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • High in antioxidants
  • Boosts energy

What is Prebiotic Fiber?

Prebiotics include non-digestible food matter that support the growth of the good bacteria that is already living in your gut. As a prebiotic passes through the gut, it is not digested and becomes food for the microorganisms living in your gut.

Prebiotics help these microorganisms thrive.


Field of Greens is a superfood made with REAL, USDA, organic fruits and vegetables that can help fill in the gaps in your diet. Not only this, but Field of Greens and also helps boost your immunity using antioxidants, and pre-biotics. Just drop one scoop into a cup of water, stir and you’re done.


Let's get into the weeds

Plants are a Foundation of Good Health

As a principle, a healthy lifestyle is rooted in the natural world. Plant foods – vegetables, fruits, herbs, and even algae – can play a major role in achieving optimal wellbeing. The most up-to-date Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends half of your volume of food be fruits and vegetables, and that’s for good reason. Diets high in plant matter can reduce risk for cardiovascular disease (X. Wang et al., 2014), cerebrovascular disease (Joshipura, 1999), certain types of cancers (Farvid et al., 2016), metabolic syndrome (Tian et al., 2018), obesity (He et al., 2004), cataracts (Christen et al., 2005), and many, many other negative health states and “lifestyle diseases.” However, only 1 in 10 people get enough fruits and veggies.

Vegetables and fruits contain many similar constituents – vitamins, minerals, and various phytochemicals. Although when consumed as fruits, sugars have a reduced impact on health status, most vegetables do have the distinct advantage of being nearly sugar-free (Monteiro-Alfredo et al., 2021). Vegetables are also more diverse than fruits. Vegetables can be divided up into 5 different categories, while fruits are all grouped together, and herbs are algae are two very unique groups.

Dark Green Vegetables

The dark green vegetables include leafy greens and many cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli. These very low calorie and nutrient dense. Cruciferous vegetables, in particular, can play a key role in reducing the risk of some cancers because they contain phytonutrients called glucosinolates (X. Liu & Lv, 2013). Glucosinolates are precursors to isothiocyanates (ITCs) and indole-3-carbinol (I3C). ITCs can influence cell-cycle arrest, helping stop or slow the rapid division of cancer cells (Wu et al., 2009). I3C binds to estrogen receptors in breast and other tissues where it reduces signaling and the development of estrogen-enhanced cancers (breast, cervical, endometrial) (Meng et al., 2000).

Red and Orange Vegetables

Vegetables like pumpkin, peppers, squash, and carrots are red and orange because they contain a lot of pigments called carotenoids, which are precursors to vitamin A. There are over 750 types of carotenoids found in plants, algae, and bacteria. Some of which have been extensively studied for their effects on human health.

Beta-carotene – a major contributor to vitamin A levels in the body. Beta-carotene may also play a role in fat and cholesterol metabolism and cell-to-cell communication (Burri, 1997).

Beta-cryptoxanthin – helps build and rebuild bone while also reducing bone resorption. Beta-cryptoxanthin may reduce bone loss as we age (Yamaguchi, 2008).

Astaxanthin – shaped perfectly to anchor in the cell-membrane, astaxanthin helps protect from UV radiation in the skin, reducing the visible effects of aging (Tominaga et al., 2017).

Lutein & zeaxanthin – particularly together, lutein and zeaxanthin improve eye health and protect from harmful, high-energy blue light (Abdel-Aal et al., 2013).


This group is composed of beans, peas, and believe it or not, peanuts. Unlike green and red vegetables, these are often a little higher in starchy carbs, though not as much as the starch group. Legumes contain some notable anti-nutrients, like lectins and phytates. These reduce absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, and other micronutrients. Although called the musical fruit, these vegetables contain a type of fiber called galacto-oligosaccharides, which cause gas. While legumes do contain antioxidants and some resistant starch at the whole-vegetable level, there are better choices for healthful vegetable intake.

Starchy Vegetables

The starchy vegetables include some legumes, potatoes, and grains, like wheat and corn. These vegetables mostly serve as a source of complex carbohydrates, including fiber. As far as plant proteins go, the starchy vegetables (including legumes) are relatively good sources of protein – think beans & rice and soy, one of the few complete plant proteins. Like legumes again, there are better choices for healthful vegetable intake.

Other Vegetables

The other vegetable group is all of those that kinda fit in a group but ultimately do not. This is a mixed bag with a lot of great upsides (avocados, green beans, onions, etc.). Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, onions contain sulfur, which is good for joint health, and beets are high in potassium and can help better manage sodium elimination in the body and, therefore, blood pressure.


Fruits differ from vegetables in that they contain seeds and come from the flower of a plant. If you ask a biologist, some foods we conventionally call vegetables due to their low sugar content are actually fruits – avocados, cucumbers, peppers, and zucchini are a few. The citrus fruits tend to contain more vitamin C, but the benefits of fruit have a lot in common with vegetables just with that pesky sugar.


Algae is not as uncommon a food source as it sounds. Seaweed and kelp are considered algae, and the earliest evidence for their consumption dates back as far as 2500 BC. These plants are relatively rich in iodine, supporting thyroid health and weight management. Some algae are considered superfoods, such as spirulina and chlorella – more on those later!


Herbs come in many shapes and sizes, and they can be very unique in their functions. Ancient medicine was founded upon observing the different, beneficial effects of various herbs on threats to health ranging from minor stomach aches to fatal diseases. Some common herbs known to promote good health are turmeric, ginger, licorice, and green tea.

Established Benefits of Greens

Sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables is consistently associated with improving nearly all aspects of health. As a simple snapshot, all-cause mortality (death for any reason under the sun) is reduced by 26% when consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (X. Wang et al., 2014)! Most of the reasons why they are so effective can be linked back to micronutrient, fiber, and phytonutrient (antioxidant) content, but some mechanisms are unknown – we just know fruits and vegetables are a major key!

Disease Risk

Preventable, “lifestyle” diseases are leading killers in the developed world. Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes alone accounted for over 1.5 million American lives lost in 2020 and were the number 1, 2, 5, and 8 leading causes. For all deaths aside from accidents, it can be argued that healthier lifestyle, diet in particular, can reduce risk of death and disease. While we believe it does, even if a good diet doesn’t extend lifespan, it certainly extends healthspan – time alive in good health – so one is able to live life to the fullest for as long as possible.

Heart Disease & Stroke

Heart disease refers to multiple types of heart conditions such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and cardiomyopathy. All heart diseases involve the heart and, therefore, are also cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular diseases also include stroke and other vascular diseases. High fruit and vegetable consumption reduces risk of heart disease by 17% (Zhan et al., 2017), and this is likely caused by plants’ ability to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure while improving antioxidant status.


Cancers occur when cell growth and division decouple from the regular cell cycle, which would trigger cell death after cells get too old. Where it occurs in the body can affect what and how stopping or slowing cancer works. Thus, fruits and vegetables affect different types of cancer differently. Stronger evidence for reducing cancer risk exists for lung cancer (~20% reduced risk (Tram et al., 2009)), breast cancer (~25% reduced risk (Gandini et al., 2000)), gastric cancers (~39% reduced risk (Ferro et al., 2020)), pancreatic cancer (~30% reduced risk (Jansen et al., 2011)), and prostate cancer (~10% reduced risk (B. Liu et al., 2012)).


Nearly 50% of the United States is diabetic or prediabetic. While most of those are prediabetic – 7 in 10 will develop diabetes, and most people are not diagnosed. Still, the total health care costs just of diagnosed diabetes is over $300 billion per year. A high intake of fruits and vegetables may reduce risk of developing diabetes by as much as 50% (Zheng et al., 2020). The fiber content has been observed to be a major reason for assisting with glucose management (P. Wang et al., 2016). Furthermore, the wide variety of polyphenols can influence numerous components of glucose metabolism such as by slowing glucose absorption, increasing cellular glucose uptake, and modifying glycogen storage and utilization (AL-Ishaq et al., 2019).


Most detoxification in the body occurs within the liver in two phases. The first phase transforms toxins into an intermediate compound which is then conjugated into a less toxic, water-soluble compound that can be eliminated from the body. Antioxidants found in plant matter protect the liver, and other cells, from free radical damage caused by toxins. Cruciferous vegetables in particular help catalyze conjugation reactions and can even reduce the carcinogenic potential of cigarette smoke (Percival, 1997). As oxidative stress is the primary mechanism for heavy metal toxicity, the strong antioxidant protection provided by the phytonutrients in plants also reduces the negative effects of heavy metals (Chung, 2017).

Immune System Support

The antioxidant power of plants is ubiquitously known. What may be a little more newsworthy information is that your own immune system generates free radicals to help destroy pathogens. If such is the case, wouldn’t one think antioxidants would reduce immune system efficacy? One study comparing high to low fruit and vegetable consumption found as much as a 39% reduced occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections (common cold) (Li & Werler, 2010). It is thought that the immune system is supported by antioxidants because they improve white blood cell function and helps quench “rogue” or excess free radicals, mitigating unintended damage to other cell structures (González-Gallego et al., 2010).

Field of Greens

Field of Greens is a complete and well-varied source of 25 unique, organic greens, reds, herbs, fiber, and probiotics formulated to optimize good health. Feeling good starts in the gut, and veggies with added prebiotic fiber and probiotics support a healthy microbiome. Organic greens and reds are a dense source of helpful nutrients. The Field of Greens metabolic blend features several herbs that improve fat and carbohydrate metabolism while improving cytokine status.

Organic Greens Blend

Greens are foundational to great nutrition to the point that it is intuitive. “Field of Oranges” just doesn’t feel as good. The Organic Greens Blend in Field of Greens contains a dozen different greens. The breadth of them covers all the key areas, including cruciferous veggies, but two ingredients, chlorella and spirulina, stand out from the rest.

Spirulina and chlorella are special types of blue-green algae with profound benefits that have been studied more extensively. Including spirulina or chlorella in the diet has been shown to reduce oxidative stress-related diseases, which includes neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, immune, and metabolic diseases (de la Jara et al., 2018). Daily Spirulina intake is also proven for weight loss. A study conducted in Poland observed a 5kg (11lb) reduction in body weight after 3 months of Spirulina supplementation (Miczke et al., 2016). Aiding reduced cardiovascular risk, supplementation has also been observed to reduce triglycerides, the best single marker of cardiovascular health, by almost 50 mg/dl (Ramamoorthy, A., & Premakumari, 1996). Algae works to suppress appetite and alter lipid metabolism in the liver, enhancing weight loss and cardiovascular health.

Organic Reds Blend

There are 7 great sources of fruits and vegetable reds in Field of Greens. These are excellent sources of carotenoids and anthocyanins to support healthy blood pressure, vision, and cognitive function. Two of these are frequently supplemented in isolation to improve endurance performance and recovery.

Tart cherry and tart cherry juice help facilitate exercise recovery, which has also led to improved exercise performance. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness, post-exercise fatigue, and muscle damage. Tart cherry supplementation may reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness by 50% (Bell et al., 2016).

Beets contain both nitrates and betalains which are proven ergogenic aids. Nitrates improve efficiency of exercise by reducing the energy and oxygen cost of muscle contractions. This improves muscle power output, endurance, strength, fatigue resistance, and blood flow (Senefeld et al., 2020). Betalains work similarly, and they have improved running speed by over 3% leading to a 2.9% faster time to complete a 10km race (Montenegro et al., 2017).

Organic Metabolic Blend

The Field of Greens Organic Metabolic blend contains 4 herbs that help manage inflammation, gastrointestinal stress, metabolism, and joint health. Turmeric and green tea are 2 of some of the most renowned herbs in the game.

Due to the curcuminoids present in turmeric, it has strong anti-inflammatory potential. A cornerstone of ayurvedic medicine, turmeric has been used to help alleviate joint pain, improve mood, and reduce risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Green tea helps boost metabolism and fat burning and enhance cognition.

Probiotics & Prebiotics

The microbiome is one of the largest discoveries in modern biology. It’s been found to affect nearly every other bodily process, and having a healthy microbiome is one of the simplest ways to improve health. The prebiotic fiber and probiotic B. coagulans support a healthier microbiome by supporting the immune system, digestion, protein absorption, and controlling inflammation.

Try Field of Greens Today

We can all use a little more green in our life. Support your overall health by increasing your plant matter intake with Field of Greens. Reap the benefits of organic greens, reds, herbs, prebiotics, and probiotics in a great-tasting, easy to mix formula.


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